It seems that post-modern generations have more difficulty finding motivation. They need to know themselves and what they are passionate about, or at least what they want to do for a living. The truth is that it is never too late. There have always been examples who have later made their way through their talent and passion for what they found a place to leave their grain of sand. To express themselves and satisfy their spirit.
Undoubtedly, Marco Maseda's path was written before he knew it. Through art he has been able to fulfil himself. Born in Castellón, he liked drawing since he was a child, but it was not until 2005 when he began to dedicate himself professionally. Almost twenty years dedicated to creating a universe that captures a myriad of feelings and that has earned him the recognition of his followers, who are becoming more and more numerous.
Maseda usually produces portraits that contain a lot of abstract expressionism and street art, but which end up being very realistic pieces, similar to a photo. The figures he creates are usually large formats and he always paints celebrities, iconic characters or portraits. He never rectifies his paintings and likes to give free rein to his strokes: dripping paint, sprays, markers, acrylics... anything that scratches a painting is welcome.
"People think that I paint the soul of the character, because I insist a lot on the eyes. I look for all the tones, the brightness...", explains the artist. He is characterised by using black and white tones, adding details of fluorescent colours (especially fuchsia). Before starting, he studies the people he is going to paint. He reads a lot about them in order to be clear about how to represent them and with which expression to endow them.
In a few weeks' time, the biggest exhibition of his work to date will be held at Art Lab, Chris Bouwer's art gallery in Andorra.
In a few weeks' time, the biggest exhibition of his work to date will be held at Art Lab, Chris Bouwer's art gallery in Andorra. Among them will be the set he has entitled '27's Club': Portraits of Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones, Kurt Kobain, Amy Winehouse and Jean-Michel Basquiat, all artists who died at the age of 27. According to Maseda, "it is a tribute to the immortality of art".
Marco currently resides in Andorra. After exhibiting in Shanghai, Madrid, New York... and recording shows in which he painted live for channels such as MTV or Paramount, he has decided to work exclusively with the gallery located in Santa Coloma. "I have a feeling that art is going to start moving in Andorra. It's a place with incredible houses and people are becoming aware that it's very important to decorate them with good works of art. It's the eye-catcher. A bold piece of artwork gives a point of distinction to the houses. It harmonises them," he argues.
As for why he has chosen the Principality to continue his professional career, he explains that "I have always liked Andorra. I love the mountains and skiing. I feel good in solitude and in wild places. People talk to me about the horizon... well, maybe it's overrated, you know, because I love getting up and seeing the mountains. It gives me serenity, which is what I need to paint".
For those of you who are interested in the artist, you can find some of his paintings at Art Lab.
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+376 367080