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Canillo opens tibetan bridge

This week Canillo inaugurates a footbridge located at an altitude of 1,875 metres over the Riu valley. With a length of 603 metres, it is the second longest Tibetan bridge in the world and is at a height of up to 158 metres. During Thursday and Friday, the structure will be open to the public free of charge, and from Saturday onwards it will cost 12 euros. Visitors must book their tickets through the website

Taking advantage of the inauguration of the infrastructure, the parish council has also announced that visiting the Roc del Quer viewpoint will cost 5 euros. In this sense, they have also highlighted that they will activate reduced rates for residents of Andorra, children, senior citizens and tourist agents of the country, among others.

The commune estimates that, during the first six months of its opening, the Tibetan bridge will be visited by up to 75,000 tourists. The construction has a load capacity of 600 people, but it is estimated that a maximum of 165 users will cross the bridge to ensure that the experience can be enjoyed in the best conditions.

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