Market cuisine is much more than a passing trend; in fact, it is a philosophy that is very present in the current gastronomic offer in Andorra.
In the case of Barramars, a gastrobar located in Andorra la Vella and a stone's throw from the emblematic Pont de Paris, this premise and the value placed on raw materials is the basis of its dishes, resulting in an authentic and qualitative product.
Created and managed by Joao, a professional with more than 40 years of experience in the sector, this bar and restaurant offers haute cuisine in a relaxed, everyday atmosphere. The undisputed protagonist of his preparations is cod and Basque pinchos, incorporating proposals that range from the most sophisticated to the simplest and most delicious.
The restaurant has a set menu available from Monday to Friday at midday, offering its extensive menu outside these hours and at weekends, with a list of sweet and savoury suggestions, a section dedicated to cod in different preparations, and recommendations that are renewed every day.
This makes Barramars one of the most dynamic culinary options in the Andorran capital, where you can discover a different nuance of what it has to offer on each visit.
Another highlight of this gastrobar is its extensive kitchen opening hours, which start at 9 am with the possibility of having breakfast, and continue until 11 pm without breaks.
Barramars also has a wide range of wine labels to accompany its extensive selection of dishes, and includes vegan and gluten-free alternatives. All of this is also available for groups or private celebrations with prior reservations.
The cosy atmosphere of Barramar's is configured by an indoor lounge divided into two areas and a large outdoor terrace, from where you can easily access, for example, the fountain show over the river Valira performed every night.
Centrally located just steps from the commercial centre of Andorra la Vella, with a notable variety of options and a warm atmosphere, Barramar's is a very successful alternative with prior reservation and one of the most popular with the local public. Open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 11pm.
T. +376 850 840